Not everyone has data from a previously compromised system lying around to load into Cyber Triage. So, we are providing you with some basic data and a video to guide you through it. At the end, you can submit answers to challenge questions about persistence mechanisms and PowerShell.
How to evaluate Cyber Triage
- Download the data.
- Watch the video.
- Finish the analysis on your own.
- Submit your answers here.
Important notes
- Do not use Firefox to download this data. It is gzipping the data (which is already gzipped). Cyber Triage cannot import this double compressed data.
- You should use Chrome, Edge, Safari, or something else.
- You can verify its hash: MD5 = 51ae1e2f25b4b10a4f8316486acd0899.
If you have any other questions about Cyber Triage, fill out the form below and a representative will be in touch shortly.