DFIR Readiness and Investigation Services

Assistance Before, During, and After an Incident

We want to make sure your investigations are as effective and efficient as possible. That includes providing the services your team needs at any time:

  • Prepare: Ensuring your team and infrastructure are ready to respond
  • Respond: Assisting your investigation a little bit or a lot based on your needs

Every member of our team is hand selected based on a track record of successful crisis management, investigative excellence, and a dedication to serving our community. We will embed with your team to ensure you are ready for the hard work ahead and have someone to call when things get out of hand.

Cyber Triage Services

We offer a full range of investigation and response-related services, but the most popular offerings for Cyber Triage users are:

  • Proactive Compromise Assessment: Find evidence of active threat actors before they cause significant damage. This service helps to eradicate hidden threat actors and provide guidance to prevent bad actors from gaining access in the first place.
  • Cyber Triage Tuning: Optimize the effectiveness of Cyber Triage in your environment to ensure collections happen quickly, false positives are reduced, and data quickly flows between your defensive systems.
  • Advanced Investigation Support: We support your team when you come across artifacts  that are difficult to interpret. Our team’s knowledge of advanced forensic artifacts and obscure attacker TTPs can give you context about what you find with Cyber Triage.
  • Incident Simulation / Table Top: Build your team’s confidence, decision making skills, and use of Cyber Triage with scenario-based simulations based on recent attack trends. Cyber Triage data sets are used in these scenarios.

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Other Investigation Services

We also offer the following services that are valuable regardless if you use Cyber Triage or not:

  • Incident Response Services: Our team of experienced incident managers and forensic investigators can manage your crisis and lead  your intrusion investigation if you do not have the in-house expertise.
  • Incident Response Readiness Assessment: A comprehensive review of your plans, people, and infrastructure to identify gaps that could limit your ability to respond to an incident.
  • Incident Response Plan Development: Ensure you have a plan that covers your business needs and sets expectations within your team and stakeholders.

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About Us

We have decades of experience in crisis management, digital forensics investigations, and incident response. Our broad experience ranges from 500,000+ endpoint investigations to arson.

Our team has both deep technical skills from our research and product development and crisis management skills from past large scale investigations. We know how to prepare for complex incidents, how to respond to them effectively, and how to keep our cool when tensions are running high. This is a challenging line of work and we know no-one can do it alone.

That is why we are here; to support you and our community.

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